After 10 months of restoration, a ribbon cutting on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, announced the opening of the ECHS Education Center.
The Wood-Morrison House, which was built in 1858, underwent extensive renovations to the main house. An addition was added to the back of the house to include an elevator for handicapped accessibility. The Education Center will have exhibits on the first floor and classrooms on the second floor. The first floor will feature exhibits on Dr. William Wood, first Surgeon General of the Navy; Captain William Morrison, last Captain of the Michigan/Wolverine and the first Superintendent of Presque Isle State Park; and the Erie Extension Canal.
The second floor will offer 3 classrooms for educational opportunities for school children and teacher training. The Hagen History Center is the flagship property of the Erie County Historical Society. This site includes the Watson-Curtze Mansion and Museum; the Carriage House Visitors’Center with the King-Mertens Archive Building; and now the Education Center in the Wood-Morrison House.