On Monday October 14, 2019, a teacher in-service was held in the HHC Education Center in the Wood-Morrison House. Teachers attended from several school districts in the Northwest Intermediate Unit, including Fairview, Harborcreek, Girard and Northwestern all in Erie County and the Conneaut School District in Crawford County.
The morning began with a discussion of how the teachers have included local and regional history into their social studies curriculum and what enhancements might occur. Other topics discussed were ways HHC can help local history teachers with field trips to our campus, staff visits to individual schools with traveling “toolboxes” containing artifacts from our collections, and the HHC website’s online lessons plans.
Teachers who attended received Act 48 credits for the day. All educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification must earn 180 Act 48 hours (approved professional development hours) every five years to remain in active status.
In addition, On November 19, curriculum directors from IU school districts met at the HHC campus. After their initial morning meeting, they listened to a presentation on the educational opportunities available at the HHC and a number of outreach programs offered in schools dealing with local history. Following lunch, the directors were given a behind the scenes tour of the HHC. Many thanks are extended to IU executive Director Dr. Dean Maynard and Assistant Director of School Improvement Services Nick Paolini for enthusiastically supporting HHC’s efforts to promote an understanding and appreciation in our region’s history and culture.