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First to Eleven - Blue Christmas Music Video shot in Watson-Curtze Mansion

Tuesday Dec 15th, 2020

Local Erie Rock Band, First to Eleven, performs their cover of "Blue Christmas" shot in the Watson-Curtze Mansion.


Remember to check your list twice!

Geri Cicchetti

Monday Dec 14th, 2020

Don’t know what to get for the person who has everything?  Why not consider a membership to the Hagen History Center?


A History of Griswold Cast Iron

Becky Weiser

Sunday Dec 13th, 2020

Founded in Erie in 1868, Griswold had a world-wide reputation for high quality, cast iron cookware.

Charlotte Elizabeth Battles-A Woman Ahead of Her Time

Jeff Sherry

Friday Dec 11th, 2020

Charlotte Elizabeth Battles (October 11, 1864 - December 17, 1952) was a woman ahead of her time. A college graduate, bank president, philanthropist, and community spirited, serving on the boards of several charitable and educational institutions. 


A Proper Seat for Emmanuel: Personal Reflections on the History and Meaning of the Christmas Crèche

Dr. Michael E DeSanctis

Thursday Dec 10th, 2020

This lavishly-illustrated presentation will trace the history of seasonal Nativity scenes as found in Christian households and churches from their origins in the ministry of St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) to the present day.


Long Life & Happiness for All its Residents #35

Becky Weiser

Wednesday Dec 9th, 2020

You may have heard what the world’s oldest profession was but, in my research, I would dare say it is something you never considered – tanning. Without the manufacture of a soft leather that was resistant to decomposition, early humans

could not wrap something around their feet and survive in all types of climate and terrain; giving them “a step ahead” of what they hunted or what hunted them!

christmas 2020 3

Want to make a difference this holiday season?

Geri Cicchetti

Friday Dec 4th, 2020

Become part of history-in-the-making with your gift to the Hagen History Center during the 2020 Annual Fund through the United Arts Fund.   


A Brief History of the Talon Zipper Company

Jeff Sherry

Friday Dec 4th, 2020

We take the zipper for granted. It is on virtually every pair of pants and coats we wear every day. It has become something we both can neither live without nor overlook. The history of this commonplace item is a fascinating tale of invention, entrepreneurship and a booming industry that allowed one county to sidestep the Great Depression and produce a product so much a part of our everyday life. The zipper.

holiday gift shop

Holiday Gift Bundles

Shelby Graml

Thursday Dec 3rd, 2020

Holiday Bundles have arrived at HHC & our online shop is live


Happiness & Long Life for All Its Residents #34

Becky Weiser

Wednesday Dec 2nd, 2020

I will admit it publicly, I like trains.  I like everything about them.  As a real train lover, I have taken Amtrak many times (even in a sleeper car) and stayed at a Railroad enthusiasts’ Bed & Breakfast in Cresson, Pennsylvania, near the Horseshoe Curve – fabulous if you don’t like to sleep; a bit loud.