Update on the New Exhibit Building
Tuesday Sep 17th, 2019
This is an exciting time on the campus of the Hagen History Center
Tuesday Sep 17th, 2019
This is an exciting time on the campus of the Hagen History Center
Friday Aug 23rd, 2019
The Erie County Historical Society is a proud member of the Senator John Heinz History Center Affiliates Program, which includes more than 125 regional historical societies and organizations dedicated to preserving local history
Tuesday Aug 20th, 2019
The Erie Chapter of the League of Women Voters is commemorating 100 years of women having the right to vote with the passing of the 19th Amendment. Events will be held from August 2019 through August 2020. Events include a celebration gala at the Hagen History Center on August 17, 2020.
For a full calendar of events and additional information, visit the League of Women Voters website at www.lwverie.org.
Tuesday Aug 20th, 2019
Visitors to Tall Ships 2019 are invited to use their bracelet for the Salty Dogs Brews & Tours on Friday August 23rd, and Saturday the 24th.
Come for a tour of the historic Watson-Curtze Mansion located at the Hagen History Center and see Oliver Hazard Perry’s sword and Daniel Dobbins cane!
Enjoy a free Smith’s Hot Dog sponsored by Smith’s Provision, and a cold beer sponsored by Erie Beer. The Watson-Curtze Mansion is located at 356 West 6th Street, tours from 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
Non-members with a bracelet $5, members are free.
For questions contact Karen Dodson at 814-454-1813 x 32
Monday Aug 5th, 2019
Because Museums open a world of imagination and exploration.
"Museums teach critical thinking, empathy, and other generally important skills and dispositions. Trips to museums help get kids excited about school subjects. Museums teach subject-specific content and skills. Museums expand the general world knowledge of students. Museums visits increase students' cultural capital." (Museumquestions.com)
Museums are community centers that create community involvement and inspire civic engagement. Students who do not visit museums miss out on these opportunities. Have your children or grandchildren visited a museum lately?
Visit the Hagen History Center and Make History With Us!
Also, today children are technologically savvy. Watch for upcoming interactive exhibits that are intellectually engaging and entertaining experiences, combining storytelling and education. The exhibits will be designed for and about our diverse audiences.
These exhibits will also encourage critical thinking with hands-on, interactive, dynamic, big-picture displays; develop an appreciation for our heritage and pride in our community with an understanding of Erie's rich history; and encourage increased local attendance and large-scale tourism with the Hagen History Center being a destination point. This is an exciting opportunity for Erie as part of the ongoing downtown revitalization.
But some children won't be able to visit because of financial constraints. Help local students visit the Hagen History Center with your gift to Erie Gives.
Monday Jun 17th, 2019
This year’s Miss Winifred Watson Mother’s Day Tea was a truly lovely event!
Monday Jun 17th, 2019
The Curtze Circle recognizes donors giving over $1,000 annually to ECHS or $500 annually for donors under the age of 40.
Monday Jun 17th, 2019
The Kitchen in the Watson-Curtze Mansion contains a small sampling of the ECHS’s Griswold collection.
Monday Jun 17th, 2019
Forty-eight senior marketing students from Penn State Behrend worked for 4 months in teams of 4 or 5 students to draft marketing plans for ECHS.
Monday Jun 17th, 2019
Construction of the new 6000 square foot exhibit building on the Thomas B. Hagen History Center campus is well underway.